Vegan Practically

Something to chew on (doesn’t taste like cardboard)

An earthy trail running through a lush green forest. Photo by Tracy Isaacs

Happy Earth Day 2024

Today is Earth Day and it’s an opportunity for us to reflect on our relationship to the only home we have. As with any of these “days,” they are moments to focus and regroup, not one-offs where we can be observant today and then return to old habits.

I heard someone talking about Earth Day on the radio yesterday and they asked whether, given the state of the planet, it is even appropriate to include the word “Happy” in “Happy Earth Day” anymore. I think it is. It is never too late to make some new commitments.

Here’s a great list of ways to celebrate Earth Day from WikiHow. Today, I’m going to leave the car at home and walk or ride my bike instead. And I’m also going to gather a bit more for the donation bin. I already “eat more vegetables,” and as many of us know, not eating animal products significantly reduces harm to the planet. If there is one thing anyone can do today, not consuming any animal products is a great choice (and it also happens to be Meatless Monday).

There are also lots of things on the list that lots of us do already: turn off the lights when we’re not using them, paperless billing, online versions of news and magazines instead of print, reusable water bottles, reusable shopping bags.

Many of us take running water for granted. But my years of spending time on a sailboat where the only fresh water is the limited supply in the tanks taught me to shut off the tap while I’m brushing my teeth and turn off the water in the shower while I’m soaping up. That stops us from letting litres of this precious resource going unnecessarily down the drain.

I like the last item in the WikiHow, which is “Commit to one green act a day.” I like it because doing that will require ongoing self-education about what it means to live a more green life that accords the Earth the respect it deserves.

What are you doing to celebrate our precious Earth today?



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