Vegan Practically

Something to chew on (doesn’t taste like cardboard)

Category: Ethics

  • The ableism of arguments from intelligence

    The ableism of arguments from intelligence

    A friend to whom I recently recommended Ed Yong’s An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms around Us thanked me this week. He loved the book, and rightly so. It’s stellar, as I reported when I read it some time ago. And I was happy to have it brought back to mind.…

  • Are vegan foods “highly processed” and is that an objection?

    Are vegan foods “highly processed” and is that an objection?

    Earlier this week a friend tagged me in a post, suggesting a possible blog topic (thanks, Sam!). The gist was that they keep hearing complaints about how vegan foods are “highly processed,” and yet the Gusto vegan sausages they had for dinner didn’t seem to be. The ingredient list, which my friend included a photo…

  • Is imperfect veganism a defence of moral imperfection?

    Is imperfect veganism a defence of moral imperfection?

    I warn you now: I may not be able effectively to edit out of this message an underlying whine-y tone (will try!). I’m recovering from the sting of SSHRC Insight Grant rejection of an application for funding to support my work on imperfect veganism. I dedicated three months to it last summer and felt really…

  • What is a vegan to do when a favourite plant-based business expands to include animal products?

    What is a vegan to do when a favourite plant-based business expands to include animal products?

    Over the past couple of weeks I’ve heard of two example — one local here in London, Ontario and one elsewhere, in LA — where a formerly fully plant-based business has decided to “change its business model” to include animal products. This decision always generates backlash among vegans, who see it as a betrayal and,…

  • The threat of vegan cheese

    The threat of vegan cheese

    An interesting story from The Washington Post came across my desk the other day about a vegan cheese that was a finalist in a cheese competition “A vegan cheese beat dairy in a big competition. Then the plot curdled.” The Good Food Foundation is an organization whose “Good Food Awards” recognize exceptional producers in the…

  • Philosophers, social justice, and veganism

    Philosophers, social justice, and veganism

    A couple of weeks ago I wrote a guest post for the blog Biopolitical Philosophy. The blog, launched in 2019 by philosophers Shelley Tremain and Melinda Hall, “provides up-to-date information and cutting-edge critical analysis of biopolitical asymmetries and other mechanisms and effects of power in philosophy and beyond.” You can read more about its mission…

  • Major Catering Win: a fully plant-based catered event NOT by my request

    Major Catering Win: a fully plant-based catered event NOT by my request

    What might seem like a little thing is actually huge. I realize I talk about catering a lot. And again I want to make it clear that the reason is not because I am grumpy when I don’t get a decent meal (even though I am indeed grumpy when I don’t get a decent meal…

  • Engage or chill?

    Engage or chill?

    Considering I’m a philosopher who has essentially been trained to argue, you might think my answer to “when to engage?” is “whenever the opportunity arises.” But that is not my approach at all. I have limited time and energy. I do not engage when it is hopeless. And there is a certain baiting approach, where…

  • What do you do with the “may contain…” allergen warning?

    What do you do with the “may contain…” allergen warning?

    Anyone who has ever spent time reading ingredient labels to see if a product is vegan is aware of the frequently-seen “may contain” warning. This warning is usually associated with known allergens, and most often will list tree nuts, soy, wheat, dairy, or eggs. I confess that I have usually considered this warning to be…

  • Bees: it’s not just about honey

    Bees: it’s not just about honey

    Lots of people wonder why vegans don’t eat honey. The short answer is that it is produced through the labour of bees, which makes it an animal product and therefore not vegan. You may find some vegans who don’t worry about honey, possibly because they don’t consider insects to be animals or possibly because they…